Troubleshooting Garmin Syncing Problems

Walker Tracker supports Garmin devices by connecting to your Garmin Connect account.

To start any troubleshooting method, first, you'll need to disconnect your device.

If you see a problem with your steps syncing to Walker Tracker, the first thing to determine is to make sure that steps are reaching your Garmin Connect account from your device.

To do so, login to your Garmin account at and verify that you see the correct device connected there and that your steps are syncing on that web page. Make sure to do this on a web browser and not just the app, as we need to make sure that your steps are making it from your app to your account. 

Once you have verified that everything is working on Garmin's website, please go ahead and try connecting to Walker Tracker again.

If your device is showing up on your account but steps are not syncing to Walker Tracker, please contact one of our technicians at and tell us your username and what issues you are having with syncing.

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