Create a Challenge and Invite Users

Create a Challenge

Challenges provide users with a long-term goal and a chance to work together and experience a variety of interesting themed routes. If your program allows users to create individual challenges, you can follow this guide to create a challenge and invite other users.

  1. Open your Challenges Tab

  2. Click “Create a New Challenge”
  3. Select the Map you want to connect to your challenge.

  4. Enter information to define your challenge. Choose a Challenge Name, a Daily Step Goal, a Duration in Days, and a Start Date. These numbers will determine your End Date and total step goal.You can choose whether this challenge will be open to all users or only for your friends. You can choose whether this will allow steps, converted activities, or both.You can optionally enter stakes, which will describe to other users what they are competing for.

  5. Search the usernames of members and click the Invite button to send an invitation that they can accept to join the challenge. You can also select “No, Skip the Step” to have members join later.When you have added all desired members, select “Next.”

  6. Review all information on the challenge and then click Submit.

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