How to Join a Team Challenge

You will join team challenges through your team rather than as an individual. In many cases, your program administrator will populate a team challenge with teams when creating the challenge, and you will only need to join a team to participate.

Join a Team (web)

Join a Team (mobile)

If your team is not added automatically, your team leader can join open challenges.

For the team leader: 

First, they should check their notifications by clicking the envelope icon to check for a possible invitation. They can click that notification to accept the invitation and add their team to the challenge if they have been invited.

If there is no invitation, your team leader can add your team to the challenge directly by following this process:

  1. Open your Challenges tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Active Challenges section and look for the challenge you want to join.
  3. Click Add My Team to add your team to the Team Challenge. This will add all of your team members to that challenge.

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